Prof. Thomas Kaydor, Jr.; PhD
Cooper Farm, Rehab
Community, Paynesville City, Republic of Liberia
Emails: ;; Mobile:
+231-777 027 180; +231555266613
I. EDUCATION: September 2023
PhD: International Development and
Diplomatic Studies (with Security Aspects): Department of Government and
European Studies, New University, Republic of
Dissertation Title: Reconceptualizing
Africa’s Regional Integration for Peace and Sustainable Development.
Dissertation Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gorazd Justinek.
Dec. 2014
Master of Public Policy (MPP) in
Development Policy (with Distinction): Crawford School of Economics and
Government (now school of Public Policy), The Australian
National University, Canberra, Australia.
April 2009
Master of Arts (MA) in
International Relations (High Distinction): Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida
Graduate School of International Affairs, University of Liberia, Capitol Hill,
May 2003
Bachelor of Arts (B.A) Political
Science (Magna Cum Laude) with Minor in History and Elective in Mass Comm: Liberia
College of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Liberia, Capitol Hill,
Monrovia, Liberia
Leading Economic Growth; Post Graduate
Diploma (2020): Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University,
Post Graduate Diploma (2012): Contemporary Diplomacy and
Foreign Service Academy (FSA), Islamabad, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Post Graduate Diploma (2010):
International Programme Management & Strategic Planning for NGOs, Galilee
International Management Institute (formerly Galilee College); Israel. A professional strategic planner trained in 2009 at the Galilee College (now the
Galilee International Management Institute). Has developed the strategic plans
for not less than 8 National NGOs in Liberia. Has done strategic planning for
the UN, particularly for UNCTs, IAPTs and OMTs in Liberia and Ethiopia.
Certificate (2009): Human Rights Based
Approach & Results Based Management, UN
System Staff College, Turin, Italy.
(2013): International
Development and Cooperation, Academy for International Business Officials,
Beijing, PRC.
ABC Certificate (2009): Professional
Writing Skills for Business and Administration, Alan Borman Communications, UK.
High School Diploma and WAEC
Certificate (1993), St. Francis High School, City, Maryland County, Liberia.
Certificate (2019)-Ethics and
Integrity at UNICEF; Certificate (2019)-BSAFE, UNICEF; Certificate (2008)-Prince II Written Exam, Programme
Management, UNDP Liberia; Certificate (2005)-TOT Basic Psychosocial Skills & Training
for Transformation, Mother Pattern
College of Health Sciences; Certificate (2009)-Training in UN
Human Resource Management and General Service Staff Salary Survey, Congo Brazzaville; Certificate-Atlas (2008/9)-UNDP Financial
Management Studies, UNDP-Liberia. Certificate
(2008)-Prince II Online Examination, Programme Management, UNDP-Liberia; Certificate (2008)- Advanced Security
in the Field, UNDP-Liberia; Certificate (2008), Basic Security in the Field, UNDP-Liberia; Certificate (2008)-Gender Journey,
Thinking Outside the Box, UNDP-Liberia; Certificate (2008)-UN Prevention of Harassment &
Sexual Harassment & Abuse of Authority in workplace, UNDP Liberia; Certificate (2003)-Peace Building
& Programme Management (TOT), RECEIVE Inc. Liberia; Certificate
CHEALE Vocational Institute, Computer Operation, and networking.
a. Academic
and Research
IBB Graduate School of International Studies (January 2016-Present)
Fulltime Faculty lecturing 1) Approaches
to the Study of Political Theory (POSC 505); 2) Social Science Research Methods
(POSC 509); 3) Quantitative Political Analysis, and Public Policy Processes
(POSC 508); 4) Foreign Policy Formulation and Implementation (POSC 602); and 5) Approaches
to the Study of Comparative Government and Politics (POSC 507), and 6)
Political Economy (POSC 510). Develop and conduct evidence-based Research, prepare lecture materials, and present lectures; supervise graduate theses; supervise students’ thesis proposals and
final thesis;
grade students’ assignments and exams and submit final grades; and conduct community service initiatives and
serving as a Reviewer for 6 international Journals including A. International
Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), ISSN 2454-6186.
DOI Number:10.47772/IJRISS; B. International Journal of Research and Scientific
Innovation (IJRSI), ISSN 2321-2705, DOI Number: 10.51244/IJRSI; C. International
Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS), ISSN 2454-6194,
DOI Number: 10.51584/IJRIAS; D. International Journal of Latest Technology in
Engineering, Management & Applied Science, ISSN 2278-2540, DOI:
10.51583/IJLTEMAS; E. the International Journal of Diplomacy
and Economy (IJDE); and F. the Global Scientific and Academic
Research Journal of Economics, Business and Management (GSAR).
Adjunct Professor,
University Graduate School, Monrovia,
Liberia (2018-present):
Serve as Part-time Graduate
Faculty at AME University Graduate Program: Convene courses
including 1) Foundations of Economic Development (MAID 602); 2) Global Institutions and Development (MAID 604); 3)
International Development Planning (MAID 606); 4) International Trade
and Development (MAID 710) 5) International
Economic Relations (MFSL 606); Supervise
graduate students’ research proposals and final theses; administer exams and submit final grades.
Chaired Graduate
Thesis Review Committee; prepared
and submitted reports on Program Directors and students and Faculty; developed graduate programs academic policies and
thesis research guide; prepared academic policies required for the smooth operation
of all the Graduate Schools; attended meetings,
including but not limited to the Academic Coordination Committee, Faculty
Senate, Graduate Studies Directors, and Graduate Council; led academic policy-making
and reform processes; assigned thesis advisors; Served on University convocations Committee, Academic Coordination Committee, the Faculty Senate, faculty and
students orientations; introduced
Turnitin software for first ever thesis online review and plagiarism check at
the University of Liberia; reported to the President,
Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, the Vice President for
Academic Affairs, of the University of Liberia. Developed the concept of
opening and running an interdisciplinary academic journal at the University of
Liberia graduate School.
Transforming the “World
We Want"-Volume 16. Was responsible for proposing themes and edited all 21
essays or articles for publication in volume 16, focused on SDG16. Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive
societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and
build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at
all levels. The "Encyclopaedia of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming
the World We Want" was produced by the
World Sustainable Development Research and Transfer Centre
and the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme, published
by Springer, as part of the award-winning “World Sustainability Series".
b. United
Nations (UN)
1. National Consultant for the Development of National
Roadmap for the Protection of Street Children in Liberia (February 2022 to
February 2023), UNICEF Liberia:
Developed research method/design and conducted a nationwide study using
a mixed research methods process to develop an informed and objective roadmap
on children living in street situations in Liberia; developed and costed the
first ever right based and results focused national roadmap on protecting
children living in street situations in Liberia for UNICEF and the Government of Liberia.
Developed the Volunteer Engagement Initiative (VEI)
project for UNICEF Liberia. Managed and coordinated 1,500 National Volunteers under the project; led implementation of the VEI; mobilized volunteers, recruited, trained, orientated, supported, and retained them to deliver health, education, and protection services in communities across the country
in support of UNICEF KPIs; monitored, evaluated, and reported on all deliverables of the Project; documented best practices and lessons learned; and mobilized young people to build a strong online network that advocates for child(ren) rights to
education, health, and protection. Completed a mapping exercise for existing youth groups and volunteer
movements in Liberia; developed integrated strategies for youth and volunteer
engagement, development, and networking; organized the first ever VEI Working Group in UNICEF Liberia; developed an annual work
plan for the volunteer engagement strategy; and completed the rapid assessment
of capabilities and capacity gaps of existing volunteers and youth groups in the
Republic of Liberia.
Effectively Coordinated the UN
System/UN Country Team (UNCT), Operations Management Team (OMT), and donors’
activities with the Government of Ethiopia. Supported strategic planning, led
the rollout and implementation, monitoring, and review of the Delivering
as One (DaO) and One UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), and Common
Services. Increased trust and confidence in UN and Resident Coordinator System; cut transaction costs
and promoted UN reform through Joint Programming and the DaO initiative.
Promoted assessment, planning and implementation of Common Services and
Harmonized Business Practices and UN reform for the UNCT and
UNECA. Prepared talking
points, briefing/background notes, speeches, and UNCT/OMT work plans. Prepared analytical UNCT reports to UNDG, DOCO and UN Secretary General. Conducted assessments, workshops, seminars, led
the UNDAF/One Program Mid Term Reviews, etc. for the UNCT,
Inter-agency Programming Team (IAPT) and the OMT Ensured donors, UN and host government partnership and cooperation. Developed/implemented resource
mobilization initiatives.
coordinated the UNCT in preparing and implementing its country programming
processes and products, including Common Country Assessments (CCA), UNDAF, and
CPDs; supervised two IUNVs and 5 National
Staff in the RCO; led and coordinated UNDAF
formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation and liaised with key
Government counterparts and coordinated government and stakeholders’ dialogue.
Ensured preparation, implementation, monitoring of, and reporting on the
Resident Coordinator and UNCT’s Work Plan; planned and led UNCT retreats, and
regular monthly and extraordinary UNCT meetings. Carried out effective advocacy
of UN activities in close consultation with the UN Communications Group (UNCG). Supported implementation of the resource
mobilization strategy for UNDAF implementation and Mid-Term Review and
facilitated knowledge building and management. Organized and Coordinated the
UNCT, OMT and IAPT; and led donors’ activities with host country government.
Promoted UN reform through Joint Programming and Delivering as One (DaO)
initiative. Drafted the first-ever UN Liberia’s DaO Concept Note for the
Government of Liberia. Set up the IAPT
and OMT and promoted assessment, planning and implementation of Common Services
and Harmonized Business Practices in pursuit
of the UN reform agenda. Prepared talking points, briefing/background notes and
annual reports, speeches, and UNCT/OMT/IAPT work plans; prepared UNCT reports
to UNDG/DOCO, and UNSG in New York.
1. Deputy Foreign Minister for International Cooperation &
Economic Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Liberia (2014-2015):
2. Assistant Foreign Minister for Africa, Asia and the
Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Liberia (2012-2014):
Effectively supervised 25 staff,
including Desk Officers, Research Analysts, etc. strategically coordinated the foreign policy and diplomatic
activities of Liberia in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the Pacific. Provided strategic guidance as well as policy advice to
Liberia’s foreign missions; and coordinated, supervised, and directed the
Affairs of the Foreign Ministry in its interaction with Afro-Asian Embassies
near Monrovia. Prepared critical and strategic socio-political, economic, and
development analyses for fostering development and economic diplomacy, and
bilateral and multilateral cooperation with friendly states. Regularly prepared
concept papers/notes, briefing papers, aide memoires, diplomatic notes, MOUs,
speeches and responses, communiqués, talking points, letters/note verbal, condolences/congratulatory messages, and a host of other
documents for the Minster of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Ministers and the Office
of the President of the Republic of Liberia. Served as Government of Liberia Expert to the MRU, ECOWAS,
and AU Peace and Security, and Mediation Committees at the Ministerial Level.
Developed the Concept of Ministerial Complex in Liberia in line with the UN One
House under the DaO in 2012.
Served as Office Administrator/ Chief
Liaison; coordinated relations between the House of Representatives of the National
Legislature and Executive Branch of Government; provided advisory, policy, and
technical support to the Legislative Committee on the Executive. Served as Secretary to the Chair of the House of Representative
Statutory Committee on Executive. Reviewed and drafted proposed legislations/bills/resolutions,
etc. Raised 1m USD for the Government of Liberia
from the Australian Government.
d. other experiences
ü Field Supervisor,
LCIP/USAID Social and & Economic
Reintegration, Grand Gedeh County, Liberia (2004-2005)
Supervised over 50 Social and Economic reintegration programs CBOs in the
Southeastern Region. Coordinated five
Implementing Partners (IPs). Conducted Community-based psychosocial support trainings/workshops.
Prepared, managed, and reported on a project budget of 4m USD; monitored
and evaluated the budgets for IPs. Compiled and submitted monthly, quarterly,
and annual timesheets/reports. Prepared concept notes, project proposals,
timesheets, etc. Supervised 30 field and Field assistants.
Officer, World Vision Liberia (2000-2004)
Assessed basic psychosocial needs of
ex-child soldiers and referred them to
rehabilitation centres. Conducted community-based psychosocial training for
local community leaders, ex-combs, and War Affected Persons. Trained
psychosocial support workers through TOT workshops. Conducted
assessments/surveys, and made monthly, quarterly, and annual reports. Developed
concept notes and wrote project proposals.
Editor-in-Chief Observation newspaper, Monrovia,
Liberia (2002-2004):
Served as senior gatekeeper. Edited all
news stories, articles, features, and columns. Wrote commentaries, lead
stories, editorials, and articles and supervised editorial and administrative
staff. Served as Official spokesperson.
Research and Volunteerism
Country Researcher for HUMA-LASPAD PROJECT to author Liberia’s country
report on the state of African Scholarly Publishing and Dissemination. Rostered
Member (International UN Volunteer and UN Coordination Practice Network-UNCPN);
Consultant-Liberia Zero Hunger Strategic Review
(2016-2017). National Consultant-Developed training module on Democratic
Governance in Liberia, Liberia Institute for Public Administration (2007);
National Consultant-UNDP sponsored research on the Traditional Forms of Reconciliation
in Liberia (2005); National Consultant-UNMIL National Human Rights Review
Study (2006); Facilitator-UNDP Annual Retreat (2008); Facilitator- UN Liberia
OMT Common Services Retreat (2008); Facilitator-UNDP Annual Retreat (2009); Facilitator-Operations
Management Team Retreat, United Nations Ethiopia (2010). Volunteer
(National Secretary General), Habitat for Humanity International; Volunteer Engagement Specialist- UNICEF Liberia (2019/2001);
National Consultant for the Development of the Roadmap for the Protection of
Children Living in Street Situations-UNICEF Liberia (2002/2003).
III. Awards, Fellowships and Memberships
Certificates, University of Liberia 104th
Commencement Convocation (2023/2024) Faculty Scholastic Recognition and
Honouring Program in appreciation of Peer-Reviewed Publications and Dedication
to Duty; Certificates of Scholastic
Excellence for publication of two books and several peer-reviewed
articles in academic journals (2019/2020 & 2020/2021; 2021/2023); Fellow, Kistefos African Public Service
Fellowship awarded to attend Havard University Kennedy Graduate School to study
and research Leading Economic Growth; Member of the Asia Pacific Policy
Society, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT; Member Australian Post
Graduate Scholarship Award; Pilgrim Certificate-Jerusalem Pilgrim (fulfilled
the Biblical calling and ascended to Jerusalem, the Holy City); Member (Staff
Representative) UNDP Liberia Disciplinary Committee; Certificate-Yardenit
Baptismal Site on the Jordan River; Scholar, Joseph
Jenkins Roberts Scholarship for Outstanding Graduate students in Liberia;
Certificate of Highest Honour-University of Liberia; Certificate of
Achievement-Mathematics, St. Francis High School; Certificate of Social and
Political Change in Liberia, the New DEAL Movement; Member-United Nations
Coordination Practice Network (CPN); Member-UN Peace Building Cooperation Network;
Member, Humanitarian Law Practice Network; Member United Nations Volunteers; Board Member- “Journalists Initiative for Peaceful Elections in
Liberia (JIPEL); Board Chairperson, Lutheran Church in Liberia School System
IV. National Political, Extra-curricular religious activities
Vice Chairman for Administration,National Democratic Coalition (NDC); Acting Chairman,
New DEAL Movement (2022-2023); Vice Chairman for National Affairs, The New DEAL Movement (2016-2023);
NDC District 9 Representative Candidate in 2011 Presidential and General
elections; Chairman for Montserrado Chapter, The New DEAL Movement (2000-2004);
Incorporator-Liberia Foundation for Education (LIFE, Inc.); Founder and Sponsor, Thomas Kaydor, Sr.; Standard Bearer-Independent Camp,
University of Liberia Students Union elections (2001/02); Chairman, Vanguard Student Unification Party (SUP), University
of Liberia (2001/2002); Chairman-Membership, Recruitment and Mobilization
Committee (SUP, 2000/2001); Reporter-Varsity Pilot Newspaper (1998-2003);
University of Liberia;Editor-in-Chief,
Observation newspaper, Liberia; Insurance Agent, Continental
General Insurance Company; Political
Analyst, Truth FM Radio Station; Chairperson of LCL Scholarship Committee,
Lutheran Church in Liberia; President, Trinity Lutheran Church Men Fellowship (2021-2024);
Father of the Year (2019/2020) Trinity Lutheran Church (TLC); Vice
President-Men Department, TLC (2012-2014); Board Member, Trinity Lutheran
School (2005-2008); President-Monrovia District Lutheran Youth Fellowship (1999/2001); Secretary General,
Trinity Lutheran Youth Fellowship (1997/1998). Choir Director-Voice of Trinity,
VI. Research and Publications
Kaydor, T. (2023). Desenvolvimento e diálogo político: Ensaios
Academic Publishing, SIA OmniScriptum Publishing, Brivibas gatve 197, LV-1039,
Riga Latvia, EU.
Kaydor, T. (2023). Sviluppo e
dialogo politico: Saggi selezionati. LAP
Publishing, SIA OmniScriptum Publishing, Brivibas gatve 197, LV-1039, Riga
Latvia, EU.
Kaydor, T. (2023). Desarrollo y
diálogo político: Ensayos seleccionados. LAP
LAMBERT Academic
Publishing, SIA OmniScriptum Publishing, Brivibas gatve 197, LV-1039, Riga
Latvia, EU.
Kaydor, T. (2023).
Entwicklung und politischer Dialog: Ausgewählte Aufsätze. LAP
LAMBERT Academic
Publishing, SIA OmniScriptum Publishing, Brivibas gatve 197, LV-1039, Riga
Latvia, EU.
Kaydor, T. (2023).
Développement et dialogue politique : Essais choisis. LAP LAMBERT
Publishing, SIA OmniScriptum Publishing, Brivibas gatve 197, LV-1039, Riga
Latvia, EU.
Kaydor, T. (2020). Development and
Policy Dialogue: Contemporary Insights, Authorhouse,
Bloomington, IN,
Kaydor, T. (2018). Development and
Policy Dialogue: Selected Essays, LAP LAMBERT
Publishing, SIA OmniScriptum Publishing, Brivibas gatve 197, LV-1039, Riga
Latvia, EU.
Kaydor, T. (2014). Liberian
Democracy: A Critique of the Principle of Checks and Balances,
Bloomington, In, USA.
Book chapters:
Kaydor, T. (2024). Utilizing Aid Effectiveness to
Address Global Poverty and Pandemics for Inclusive Growth in Developing
Countries - Prof. Thomas Kaydor, Jr. - IJIRMPS Special
Issue - International Conference on Engineering, Economics, Management and
Applied Sciences (January 2025). DOI 10.37082/IJIRMPS.ICE2MAS-24.3;
Kaydor, T. (2022). International Cooperation. In: Leal
Filho, W., Azul, A.M., Doni, F., Salvia, A.L. (eds) Handbook of
Sustainability Science in the Future. Springer, Cham.
Kaydor, T. (2020). Cash
Transfer: A Strategic for Poverty Reduction. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M.,
Brandli L., Lange Salvia A.,
Özuyar P.G., Wall
T. (eds) No Poverty. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Springer, Cham.
Kaydor, T. (2014). ‘What might
Africa-China bilateral relationship be in 2030’, in A.S Patel,
J.S.G Teo, &
S.W Dempsey (eds), Global
Perspectives on International Affairs: Collection of Essays, Forum for Global
Affairs, ANU, Canberra, Australia, pp. 107-125.
T (2024). Utilising Aid Effectiveness to Address Global Poverty and Pandemics
Inclusive Growth in Developing Countries; Global
Scientific and Academic Research Journal of Economics, Business and Management
(GSAR) ISSN: 2583-5645; vol –3 Issue – 12 PP: -76-85.
Kaydor, T. (2024). Addressing Global
Poverty: The Role of Aid in Achieving Inclusive
growth. International Journal of
Innovation and Social Sciences (IJRISS), ISSN No. 2454-6186/Vol XIII, Issue X
October 2024.
Kaydor, T. (2024).
The Link Between Sustainable Development and International cooperation. Global
Scientific and Academic Research Journal of Economics,
Business and Management ISSN: 2583-5645; Vol –3 Issue – 10 PP: -14-24.
Kaydor, T. (2024).
Reconceptualizing Africa’s Regional Integration for Peace and
2454-6186 | DOI: 10.47772/IJRISS |Volume VIII Issue VII July 2024. DOI:
Kaydor, T. (2024).
The Role of Corruption on Liberia’s Peace and Stability. International
Journal of Research
and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI,
Issue VII, July 2022|ISSN 2454-6186.
Kaydor, T. (2023). The effects of poor infrastructure on poverty
reduction in post-conflict
Liberia. International Journal of Research and Innovation in
Social Science (IJRISS) ISSN No. 2454-6186 | DOI: 10.47772/IJRISS |Volume VII
& Issue I January 2023;;
Kaydor, T. (2022).
The Role of the International Criminal Court in Liberia’s Peace and
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)
Volume VI, Issue VII, July 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186URL:
T. (2022). International Cooperation: Fulcrum for Sustainable Development; in
Leal Filho et al. (eds.), Handbook of Sustainability
Science in the Future, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022,
Kaydor, T. (2020). Cash Transfer: A Strategic for
Poverty Reduction. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A.,
Özuyar P.G., Wall T. (eds) No Poverty. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable
Development Goals. Springer, Cham.
Other online
Kaydor, T. (2014).
‘The impact of poor infrastructure on poverty reduction in post-conflict
countries’; New Dawn Newspaper
(online edition),
12 June, Monrovia, Liberia.
Kaydor, T. (2014).
‘Offering cash alone to the poor is not enough, New Dawn Newspaper; (online
edition), 2 June, Monrovia,
Kaydor, T. (2014)
.‘Obstacles to achieving MDG2 in the Republic of Liberia’, FrontPage Africa ;(online
edition), 10 June,
Monrovia, Liberia;
Unpublished works:
Kaydor, T.
(2009). An Effective Legislature, the
Alternative to Presidential Autocracy in
Liberia, unpublished
Postgraduate Thesis, IBB Graduate School of International Studies, University
of Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia.
Kaydor, T. (2002).
An Analysis of the Balance of Power Amongst the Three Branches of the
Liberian Government, unpublished
undergraduate Thesis, Liberia College of Social Sciences and Humanities,
University of Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia.
Kaydor, T. (2005).
A Concise Manual for Community and Social Workers, Monrovia, Liberia.
VIII. References:
Prof Dr. Gorazd Justinek
Former Dean & PhD Supervisor
Department of Government and European
New University, Slovenia, Europe
Vice President Graduate Education
University of Liberia; mobile: +231 886510328
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